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Position Statements

The Association for the Gifted, a division of the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC-TAG), has issued formal statements on certain issues pertinent to the education of children who are gifted and talented. Each statement has been approved by the CEC-TAG Board. 

  • CEC-TAG Message on Racial Equity, Inclusion and Solidarity
    The Association for the Gifted, a division of the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC-TAG), acknowledges and condemns racial injustices and stands in solidarity with our members in supporting causes, affecting policy changes, and informing practices to address racist, oppressive, and systemic inequities.
  • Diversity and Developing Talents: A Call to Action
    The need for a national call to action about diversity and developing gifts and talents derives from the continuing and significant underrepresentation of specific groups receiving educational services for the gifted and talented. This call to action requires thinking in terms of a more global system involving educators, families, communities, and businesses joining together to educate children at the edge of their ability. The home, the community, and the school are all places where children learn and may be encouraged to grow. Diversity and Developing Talents proposes action in four areas: preparing school personnel, ensuring equitable curriculum and learning environments, finding giftedness, and including diversity in research.
  • Growth Models
    CEC-TAG urges Congress to hold schools accountable for growth of individual students who perform at the advanced, beyond “proficient” levels, when designing growth model accountability systems in the reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 as reauthorized by the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. This position statement describes the issues plus makes recommendations for including advanced students in growth model systems.
  • Inclusion
    CEC-TAG is committed to providing educational opportunities which foster excellence and equity in a democratic pluralistic society. Achieving these goals requires that schools develop programs which honor diversity.  Because children are capable of developing beyond where we are able to predict, this position statement emphasizes that schools must sustain educational programs which promote development and magnify differences among persons.
  • Response to Intervention – A Joint Statement from the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) and CEC-TAG
    CEC-TAG recognizes the importance and the impact of the Response to Intervention (RTI) method of identifying and serving students with diverse educational needs. The position paper on RTI issued by the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) specifically addressed the needs of children who are “twice-exceptional” indicating that these needs must be met through the provision of “access to a challenging and accelerated curriculum, while also addressing the unique needs of their disability” (CEC Position Paper on RTI, 2007, p. 2). The inclusion of students who are twice exceptional within the RTI framework provided a starting point for addressing students who are gifted. In this paper we extend the application of RTI to include children who are gifted.
  • 2e Definition
    The Association for the Gifted Division of the Council for Exceptional Children (2020) agree upon the following definition for twice-exceptional.  This definition is based upon the National Community of Practice (2015) definition. This is a working definition which seeks to unify the community and act as a foundation for our collaborative work.
Last Updated:  3 March, 2022

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