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CEC Tag Expert Speaker Series

CEC-TAG Board Members and Leaders are available to speak at your next event for a significant discount off their normal honorarium. The $350 honorarium will go to support the CEC-TAG organization.

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Topics include, but are not limited to...


Professional development needs, strategies for teachers and leaders, identification and support


Culturally responsive gifted teacher and leader, strategies for diverse advanced learners, culture professional development, identification and support


Intensity of giftedness, professionalism, perfectionism, sensitivity, professional development needs



Contact as soon as possible to secure a speaker! All travel expenses and additional sessions should be negotiated and paid directly to the speaker.


Contact CEC-TAG for your next conference speaker!

Wendy Behrens

Identification and Support for Underserved Populations (2e, EL, poverty, rural); Policies that Support Gifted and Highly Able Learners; Developing and Implementing Acceleration

Lynette Breedlove

Social/Emotional Needs; Parenting Gifted Children and Teens

Michelle Buchanan

Leadership Self-Identity Development; Technology Integration; Inquiry-based learning in the Classroom; STEM Topics

Tracy Cross

Social/Emotional Needs

Debbie Dailey

STEM Topics; Engineering for Elementary Students; Technology Integration; Inquiry-based learning in the Classroom

Kim Hardin

Differentiation in the Elementary Classroom; Technology Integration

Claire Hughes

Identification and Support and Teaching Strategies for 2e students; Meeting the Needs of Gifted Children with Autism

Tracy Inman

Differentiation in the Elementary and Secondary Classrooms; Culturally Responsive Gifted Teacher and Leader; Parenting Gifted Children and Teens; Assessing Gifted and Highly Able Learners

Javetta Jones Roberson

Secondary Strategies for Diverse and Highly Able Learners; Identification, Support and Teaching Strategies for 2estudents; Equity Audits of your SPED, Gifted, and AP Program; Culturally Responsive Gifted Teacher and Leader

Julia Link Roberts

Differentiation in the Elementary and Secondary Classrooms; Policies that Support Gifted and Highly Able Learners

Debbie Troxclair

Identification, Support and Teaching Strategies for 2e students; Social/Emotional Needs; Reading/LanguageArts for GT 30-Hour Training in Gifted (Texas Requirement)

Chrisine Weber

Differentiation in the Elementary and Secondary Classrooms; Identification and Support for Highly Able Learners

Last Updated:  18 April, 2022

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