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TAG Books

Prufrock Press has partnered with CEC-TAG to produce a series of books exploring issues important to children and youth who are gifted and talented, especially those from diverse populations. Written and edited by experts in the field, these CEC-TAG Educational Resources provide critical information, practical strategies, and insight. All royalties from CEC-TAG Educational Resources go to CEC-TAG. Prufrock has also generously designated 10% commission on all sales made by customers coming to their website from, so please link to their site directly from this one by clicking on any book title.


Just Released: Increasing Diversity in Gifted Education
Increasing Diversity in Gifted Education provides guidance for meeting the educational needs of high-potential students across many racial, ethnic, language, and economic groups as well as some categories of disability. Using this book, educators of high potential and gifted students from backgrounds that are traditionally underrepresented and underserved in gifted and advanced instructional settings, can guide these students to achieve and make significant contributions to all aspects of American society. Practitioners will also gain the information and knowledge needed to increase the identification of culturally, linguistically, and ethnically diverse (CLED) and twice-exceptional students for gifted education programs and services.

Effective Program Models for Gifted Students From Underserved Populations
Effective Program Models for Gifted Students From Underserved Populations edited by Dr. Cheryll Adams and Dr. Kimberley Chandler, provides coordinators, teachers, administrators, and other interested parties information about effective program models for underserved gifted students. The book highlights eight successful programs that have been designed to use with low-income, high-ability students. Each chapter focuses on a specific program and includes an introduction and brief overview of a model, how students are identified for the program, what talents are valued, the goals of the project, a description of the model, difficult issues and how they are addressed, important contributions of the program, research findings, how the program is sustained, and contact information.

Critical Readings on Diversity and Gifted Students (Two-Volume Set)
The field associated with educating students with gifts and talents has grappled for years with issues associated with locating and appropriately serving diverse students. As our schools have become more diverse, educators have struggled to effectively deal with the diversity of student backgrounds. Consequently, diversity among the gifted child population has been determined to be a much-needed area of research. Edited by Dr. Tracy Cross, Dr. Laurence Coleman, and Dr. Jennifer Cross, Critical Readings on Diversity and Gifted Students is a two-volume compilation of 66 articles that originally appeared in the Journal for the Education of the GiftedVolume 1 features 47 articles focused on diverse gifted students within the United States and diverse gifted students outside of the United States. Volume 2 features 19 articles focused on the impact of gender on gifted students and gifted students with one or more disabilities.

Effective Curriculum for Underserved Gifted Students
Effective Curriculum for Underserved Gifted Students, written by Dr. Tamra Stambaugh and Dr. Kimberley Chandler, explains the need for a differentiated curriculum for gifted students typically underrepresented in gifted programs, including children of poverty and those who are from culturally and linguistically diverse populations. Features of research-based curriculum found to be effective in enhancing the academic achievement of these populations are highlighted. In addition, practical, evidence-based strategies for curriculum development and instruction are shared.

Effective Program Practices for Underserved Gifted Students
Effective Program Practices for Underserved Gifted Students provides coordinators, teachers, administrators, and other interested parties information about effective program practices for underserved gifted students. In this book, Dr. Cheryll Adams and Dr. Cecelia Boswell identify and discuss three broad areas of effective practices: differentiation, acceleration, and enrichment. In addition, practical ideas, sample lessons, and two units are provided in an effort to assist busy professionals with implementing effective practices with their students. A selected resource section is also included.

RtI for Gifted Students
Dr. Mary Ruth Coleman and Dr. Susan Johnsen’s RtI for Gifted Students provides a comprehensive overview of Response to Intervention (RtI) frameworks that include gifted students. One of the books featured in the CEC-TAG Educational Resource series, the book incorporates national, state, and local RtI models and how gifted learners can be included within these frameworks. Specific attention is given to addressing the needs of students who are twice-exceptional and to culturally responsive practices. The book concludes with ways of assessing a school’s RtI model and challenges for using RtI in gifted education.

A Teacher’s Guide to Working with Children and Families from Diverse Backgrounds
Schools are increasingly diverse in their student population, presenting new challenges for teachers. In light of these challenges, schools remain important in the talent development process. Dr. Julia Link Roberts and Dr. Jennifer Jolly’s A Teacher’s Guide to Working With Children and Families From Diverse Backgrounds provides important information and strategies for educators at all levels. The book is written for educators who want all children to thrive in school, including those who are twice-exceptional, those from lower income backgrounds, and others who have been underrepresented in gifted programming.

The Underachieving Gifted Child: Recognizing, Understanding, and Reversing Underachievement
Why are some gifted children willing to tackle new challenges whereas others seem insecure or uninterested? Why do some gifted students achieve while others become caught in a cycle of underachievement? Are there strategies teachers and parents can implement that promote an achievement-oriented attitude? The Underachieving Gifted Child: Recognizing, Understanding, and Reversing Underachievement by Dr. Del Siegle answers these important questions. Although there are many factors that contribute to achievement, achievement-oriented students exhibit four key traits: they believe that they have the skills to perform well, they expect that they can succeed, they believe what they are doing is meaningful, and they set realistic expectations and implement strategies to successfully complete their goals. This book offers specific strategies to help increase student achievement by improving students’ attitudes in these four important areas.


A Co-publication of Prufrock Press, the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) and CEC-TAG:

Implementing RtI With Gifted Students: Service Models, Trends, and Issues
Implementing RtI With Gifted Students, edited by Dr. Mary Ruth Coleman and Dr. Susan Johnsen, shares how RtI can fit within the framework of gifted education programming models. This edited book will serve as a reference guide for those interested in learning more about RtI and how it might be effectively implemented to meet the needs of all gifted students. Chapters contributed by top gifted education experts focus on topics including tiered supports and services for gifted learners; screening, assessment, and progress monitoring; evidence-based practices; popular gifted education models that fit within a tiered framework; and diversity. Additional resources for schools include a self-assessment needs survey; guidelines for planning; forms, templates, and timelines for getting started; and rubrics for reviewing implementation fidelity and progress.

Implementing RtI With Gifted Students: Service Models, Trends, and Issues
Given the federal mandate for implementing Response to Intervention (RtI) models, educators need to be aware of how to include gifted students in this system. Serving Gifted Students Within an RtI Framework, by  Susan K. Johnsen, Ph.D., Tracey N. Sulak, Karen Rollins, is a practical book that provides an overview of RtI models in gifted education and describes specific details about developing levels of service, monitoring student progress, differentiating curriculum at each tier, and collaborating with gifted educators. A wealth of online resources and a directory of state models in gifted education are also provided.

Last Updated:  15 March, 2022

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