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Join the TAG Board

TAG is a fun, relational, and committed board that focuses on underserved populations and national advocacy partnered CEC. Join the leadership of CEC-TAG to embrace and support the needs of students with gifts and talents, focusing on multi-exceptional and other diverse learners, through advocacy, professional learning, and resources.

Please submit a 200-word statement75-word biography, and photo by November 1st to the TAG Past President, Debbie Dailey, at

President-Elect: Two-Year Term (2025-2026) - Elected
  • Preside at meetings of the Board in the absence of the president.
  • Plan TAG’s portion of the program for the annual CEC convention by
  • serving on the CEC Program Advisory Committee (PAC);
  • attending two PAC meetings annually (one during the annual convention and one during the summer);
  • receiving program proposals and coordinating the review process; and
  • working with PAC to ensure that the CEC convention incorporates multiple sessions of interest to the membership of TAG.
  • Serve as a member of the Finance Committee and the Elections Committee.
  • Represent TAG at IDC meetings as determined in collaboration with the president.
  • Submit quarterly reports to be presented at each Board meeting.
  • Assist the president and perform other duties as may be assigned to the office.
Secretary: Two-Year Term (2025-2026) - Elected
  • Keep a careful record of the proceedings of each meeting. Distribute the minutes of each meeting no later than six weeks following the meeting. Follow-up actions are to be highlighted.
  • Correspond on behalf of TAG as requested by the president and the Board.
  • Collect and organize annually the following materials for the digital archive:
  • committee reports,
  • reports to CEC,
  • issues of TAG publications,
  • minutes of Board meetings and the annual business meeting,
  • recipients of awards,
  • lists of Board members, and
  • any other pertinent materials.
  • Transfer all digital and print records to the new secretary 30 days after the beginning of the term.
Representative Assembly: Three-Year Term (2025-2027) - Elected
  • Represent and advocate for TAG at the annual CEC Representative Assembly (hereafter RA) meeting. This requires careful preparation prior to and active participation in the RA meeting. Attendance is required.
  • Monitor CEC issues and business throughout the year and notify the TAG Board about relevant items.
  • Submit quarterly reports on relevant CEC business and issues to be presented at each Board meeting.
Public Relations Coordinator: Two-Year Term (2025-2026) - Appointed
  • Maintain and update the website for TAG.
  • Provide information to the Board related to technology opportunities.
  • Coordinate social media efforts.
  • Coordinate the TAG elections by posting the ballot and reporting the results to the past president.
  • Chair the Public Relations Committee.
  • Submit quarterly reports to be presented at each Board meeting.
Children & Youth Advocacy Network Coordinator: Two-Year Term (2025-2026) - Appointed
  • Represent and advocate for TAG at the annual CEC Children and Youth Advocacy Network (hereafter CAN) workshop. This requires careful preparation prior to and active participation in the CAN workshop. Attendance is required.
  • Serve as a communication link between the CEC Public Policy Unit, the Board members, and TAG members.
  • Disseminate pertinent federal legislative information to the CAN network and TAG.
  • Carry out other advocacy duties as assigned by the president.
  • Chair the Governmental Relations Committee.
  • Submit quarterly reports to be presented at each Board meeting.


Last Updated:  22 October, 2024

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