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The Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) is the leading voice for special and gifted education. Through the vision and dedication of its nearly 35,000 members, CEC sets the standard for high quality education for children and youth with exceptionalities. The Council ensures the needs of children and youth with exceptionalities are met in educational legislation, establishes professional standards for the field, and develops initiatives to improve special education practice. And, CEC is known as the source for information, resources, and professional development for special educators.

For 50 years, The Association for the Gifted (TAG), as a Division of CEC, has been the leading voice for special and gifted education. CEC-TAG establishes professional standards for teacher preparation for the field, develops initiatives to improve gifted education practice, and ensures that the needs of children and youth with exceptionalities are met in educational legislation.

By becoming a member of, or renewing your membership to CEC-TAG, you become a member of a team of professionals devoted to (a) improving educational opportunities for individuals from all diverse groups with gifts, talents, and/or high potential; (b) sponsoring and fostering activities to develop the field of gifted education; (c) supporting and encouraging specialized professional preparation for educators; and (d) working with organizations, agencies, families, or individuals who are interested in promoting the welfare and education of children and youth.


TAG Member benefits:

  • Four issues of the Journal for the Education of the Gifted (JEG) per year (includes online access to current and past issues)
  • Quarterly newsletter (i.e., TAG Update)
  • Legislative updates
  • A discounted member rate for all meetings of TAG
  • 20% discount on Prufrock Press products
  • Advanced notice of new products developed by CEC-TAG members
  • Peer-to-peer support
  • A network of colleagues who are leaders in the field of gifted education
  • TAG Talks on topics of importance and interest to CEC-TAG members
  • Members-only page with TAG Talks, past and current issues of TAG Update, and more


CEC offers a variety of membership categories. Please be sure to select The Association for the Gifted (TAG) for one of your Special Interest Division(s). Cost is an additional $30 per year for all membership categories except for student, which is $12.

Student Membership Level

Students receive 20% off any individual membership rate. Students must be enrolled full or part-time in a matriculating program by an accredited college or university. Students are eligible for the discount for a maximum of 6 cumulative years.  For verification the following information is required at the time you join or renew – University Name, Expected Graduation Date and Degree Program.

Early Career Professional Membership Level

If you have been in the field for less than three years, then please click here to join as a new member or renew your membership.

Professional Membership Level

If you are a trusted educator and mentor with confidence in your teaching while always seeking to improve your knowledge and skills, or you are retired, then please click here to join as a new member or renew your membership.

Please be sure to select The Association for the Gifted (TAG) for one of your Special Interest Division(s). Additional costs apply.

Last Updated:  3 March, 2022

© 2025 Council for Exceptional Children (CEC). All rights reserved.