Position Statements
At its November meeting, the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) Board of Directors approved revisions to its Policy on Restraint and Seclusion, as well as its Policy on School Climate. These two...
Publish Date:
November 17, 2020
Statement on Parkland Shooting

Read the CCBD's executive committee statement on the February 14, 2018 school shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, FL.
Schools and Firearms
As the leader in teaching and advocacy for children with emotional and behavioral disorders, CCBD recognizes the need to provide guidance and support in framing our nation’s response related to issues...

This document provides CCBD's policy recommendations regarding disproportionality in special education and the need for federal policy driving state regulations to support efforts to eliminate this...
Physical Restraint and Seclusion Procedures in School Settings

This document is a summary of policy recommendations from two longer and more detailed documents available from the Council for Children with Behavioral Disorders (CCBD) regarding the use of physical...
Early Childhood Intervention: A Promise to Children and Families for Their Future
The field of early childhood intervention for infants and young children with disabilities or delays has a rich history that spans many disciplines of practice. Both legislation and research has...
Journal Name:
Exceptional Children
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A Social Constructionist Approach to Disability: Implications for Special Education
Proponents of a social model of disability derive their arguments from social constructionism. They combine different disabling conditions under one term: disability. Subsequently, they apply the...
Journal Name:
Exceptional Children
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Statewide Implementation of Evidence-Based Programs
Evidence-based programs will be useful to the extent they produce benefits to individuals on a socially significant scale. It appears the combination of effective programs and effective implementation...
Journal Name:
Exceptional Children
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Moving Research into Practice: Can We Make Dissemination Stick?
Although researchers in special education have made significant advances in defining and identifying evidence-based practices, scholars often constitute an insular group that disseminates research...
Journal Name:
Exceptional Children
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Pasteur's Quadrant as the Bridge Linking Rigor with Relevance
A tension exists between educational practitioners and researchers, which is often attributed to their dichotomous and oftentimes polarizing professional ideologies or Discourse communities. When...
Journal Name:
Exceptional Children
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