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TAG Awards

TAG has revitalized our Service Award and established two new awards: Emerging Leader Award and Diversity Award. Nominations are due JULY 31. Nominating someone is easy. Just fill out the forms linked below. You can also share the links with friends or nominate yourself. We welcome all nominations.


The 2024 CEC-TAG award winners are Dr. Joy Lawson Davis and Dr. Debbie Troxclair.

Dr. Troxclair

Dr. Joy Lawson Davis

2024 Diversity Award Winner

Dr. Debbie Troxclair

2024 Service Award Winner


TAG Diversity Award

The TAG Diversity Award may be awarded annually to someone committed to the work of advocating for diverse populations in gifted education

Criteria for selection of the award recipient may include:

  • Conducted research; presented at local, state, or national conferences; or advocated for diversity, equity, and access needs in gifted education.
  • Active in the field of gifted education (for example, K-12 educator, administrator, counselor, or central office personnel; for example, university personnel or consultant).

Fill out the form at this link to nominate someone for the TAG Diversity Award.


TAG Emerging Leader Award

The TAG Emerging Leader Award may be awarded annually to a TAG member who has made a significant contribution to the field of gifted and talented education through teaching, research, and/advocacy, and exemplified TAG’s values and mission within their first 10 years of service. Each recipient may be awarded the TAG Emerging Leader Award once.

Criteria for selection of the award recipient may include:

  • Made a significant contribution to TAG and/or the field of gifted and talented education. For example:
  • Started new gifted and talented programming or services.
  • Published research regarding best practices in gifted and talented education for RCELD or 2e students.
  • Developed new training activities for professional development.
  • Has shown outstanding promise for continuing service and leadership. For example:
  • Leadership role(s) in local, state, or national organizations for the gifted and talented.
  • Active committee member in local, state, or national organizations for the gifted and talented.
  • Editor of publication(s) related to gifted and talented education.

Fill out the form at this link to nominate someone for the TAG Emerging Leader Award.


TAG Service Award

The TAG Service Award may be awarded annually to an individual who has made a significant contribution to the field of gifted and talented education and exemplified TAG’s values and mission. Their service has had a broad impact within CEC and TAG communities, at the state level, and/or the national level. Each recipient may be awarded the TAG Service Award only once. Current TAG board members are not eligible to receive the TAG Service Award.

Criteria for selection of the award recipient may include:

  • Completed work in an area of gifted concern which has greatly impacted large numbers of stakeholders. For example:
  • Brought about a change in policy, procedures, or curriculum that results in significant improvement in gifted services.
  • Created and coordinated initiatives that provided improved or expanded service to members of the organization.
  • Impacted gifted education through outstanding leadership and/or creative innovation. These contributions are interpreted as those that far exceed the regular expectations of a position, duty, or office.
  • Displayed a long-standing commitment to gifted children and/or related issues, having been active in the field for more than 10 years. For example:
  • Demonstrated career-long involvement in gifted education.
  • Made a unique contribution to the field in a leadership role at the state level or national level, such as working on state/national committees or meeting with officials to advocate for gifted education.
  • Made ongoing contributions to the field through journal articles, administration of a school for the gifted, or leadership positions in an organization.
  • Recognized for having expertise in a particular area such as advocacy, curriculum, or program development, which benefits the field
  • Served as a mentor to early leaders in the field.

Fill out the form at this link to nominate someone for the TAG Service Award.

Last Updated:  1 October, 2024

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